That's insane! It's like going to Philadelphia from NYC!
43 miles of that happened today on a lovely bike ride to Nyack, NY and back. Destination, the cyclist's pit stop, The Runcible Spoon.
An 8am start at the GW bridge for me, one of my TNT coaches and a few of my teammates led to some lovely mileage in NY and NJ. Despite a few wrong turns we all made it to the pictured cafe, had a few baked goods and then headed home. The route along 9W is packed with cyclists on the weekend and the fantastic weather made for a beautiful ride.
The hills were definitely challenging but the ride up the hill at the state line seemed much less difficult than I remembered it being from last year! Progress!
Worst part of the ride? On the way to the Boat Basin for a brunch with teammates, I took a tumble on Riverside Drive. I hate riding in traffic and a slow moving car on a downhill coupled with me riding too close behind a teammate led to me bouncing between my teammate's bike and a car and crashing to the street. Scraped knee, torn tights and bent handlebars notwithstanding, I'm totally fine. The cars behind me were far enough back to stop and not run me over. The car I hit stopped to make sure I was okay and I got right back in the saddle to finish the journey to a sunny table with friends and a turkey cheeseburger.
I'm a klutz, but a really lucky klutz.
On the fundraising front we're super close to the uber-goal of $25,000. Spread the word! Donate what you can!