Monday, February 4, 2008


There they are.  25 race bibs.  Since February 4, 2007 I have run in 25 races in 2 states.  24 in NYC and 1 in San Francisco.  26 races total if you include the Paris 10K.  That's one every two weeks average!

And here's the fun part:

This is my number from the 
San Francisco 5K on 
February 4, 2007.  
My finish time was 35:52.  
A 5K is 3.1 miles.

This is my number from
the New York Road Runners
Gridiron Classic, yesterday,
February 3, 2008, in
Central Park.
My finish time was 34:55.
It was a 4 mile race.                       


You read it right:  yesterday I ran a race that was .9 miles longer than my first race ever - and I ran it FASTER!  Woo hoo!  I think that's pretty cool.

Carry on.

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