Tuesday, April 1, 2008

before I go...

I thought I'd show you my attempt at taking a picture during this past Sunday's race.  I wore a new fuel belt with better pockets and was testing the idea of carrying my camera during the marathon. Seems like it might work.  The subject?  The damn cat on Cat Hill.

And then there is this - my TNT singlet.  I did a little arts and crafts last night and appliqued my name to the front and a patch to the back where I will list the names of the people who I am running in honor of or in memory of.  There are far more names on that list than I could have ever imagined.  So many of you have been affected by leukemia or lymphoma.  I am honored to have been able to fundraise for such a worthy cause.

1 comment:

Tim Pritchard said...

Hey Kim - best of luck in your trip to Paris, and your marathon on Sunday. A bunch of us in the Broadway community will be thinking of you and sending you good mojo - run like the wind, 39227!