Friday, January 9, 2009

the iPod shuffle raffle

So as an incentive to drum up some donations, I've instituted a raffle that ends on Wednesday, 1/14 at midnight.  Team in Training has generously offered an iPod shuffle as a prize to anyone who raises $1000 online between 1/7 and midnight 1/14.  As of right now, I'm only $50 away from that goal so I'm pretty certain the iPod shuffle is within reach.  Once I surpass the $1000 in a week mark, I'll put the names of everyone who has donated into a hat and pick a winner!  You could be the owner of a brand new iPod shuffle.  And for those of you who aren't able to donate before the deadline, just get someone else to donate - it doesn't matter how much - and then tell me about it.  I'll put your name in the hat as well.

I thought it might be fun to spice up the donation process just a bit.  So far it's working pretty dang well.  Now if I could just get my internet connection at home working again (thanks to Stephen for letting me pirate his connection for a bit.)

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