Sunday, January 20, 2008


Yesterday morning was a GTS (group training session in Team in Training speak.)  My training buddies and I are up to 10 miles - so that's what we did!  10 miles in about an hour and 42 minutes.  Our head coach, Ramon, gave us pace runners for the first time, so we stuck pretty closely with one of the mentors running at a 10min/mile pace.  Well, until I got all discombobulated about which loops we had run and headed off in the wrong direction.  But we stuck together and finished strong with a little over 10 miles for the day.  (Subconsciously, I think I just wanted to avoid Cat Hill the last half of the run ;)
It was the farthest one my running partners had ever run.  Woo hoo!

And today - it's cold.  Really cold.  I initially intended to run my prescribed 5 miles inside on the treadmill, but I just couldn't do it before work.  I'm not feeling the treadmill at all these days.  Which meant I needed to run outside.  Between shows.  During the super short break.  Always a challenge.  I started with my running pants under my jeans and made a quick top change at intermission.  Rip off the jeans during the second courtroom at the calling desk, restore the sneaks during graduation, grab my gloves and speaker hat after the "see you at 6:30" announcement and I'm out the door. 4:23pm start - not bad.  Ran up 7th Ave. to the park and did two lower loops plus a bit before heading back down 6th Ave.  23 degrees on the CNN billboard.  My legs were a bit chilly and it took about ten minutes to warm up my lungs.  But I got in 5.27 miles and even survived the shower in the nasty ladies room backstage.

Did I mention I'm running a half marathon next Sunday? :)

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