Get on the subway to go to Coogan's Salsa Blues and Shamrock 5K up at 168th St. This was good since the A train was running local today.
Realize just before 155th Street that I have forgotten my NYRR chip. Uh oh. Get off at 155th St. and get back on the downtown train. Again, the A train was running local
Text my running buddy Meryl that she should start without me, if I make it I will be late.
Convince a cab dropping someone off outside my building to wait for me. "I'll be going to Washington Heights!" I yell at him.
Head up the West Side Highway in said cab. I kind of can't believe he waited for me!
168th St. Pay the $18.50 fare with debit card, tip with cash, get receipt. Get out of cab, peeling off sweatshirt and bag. Toss bag at luggage pile at appropriate bib number.
Volunteers guide me around the starting line - the finishers are 5 minutes away. I do not get to cross the start mat with my chip. Unsure what this will mean for my time.
Off and running. There are about 5 other people in the same late boat as me. I feel crazed but am happy to just be running. A few minutes in I am actually passing people. (About the time the finishers pass me as the course doubles back on itself.)
Mile 1
My right quad, the one that started seizing up toward the end of yesterday's long run, starts to tighten up again. Ugh.
Mile 1.5 - turnaround
Right quad is not having it. I actually stop and stretch. Manage to run another couple hundred yards and stop to stretch again. All the people I managed to pass, are now starting to pass me.
The Next 1.6 Miles
I mostly walk. Walk. Ugh. Every time I try to run, the quad refuses. I do not want to do permanent damage and a finish time is no longer an issue, so I stretch, walk, stretch, walk - all the way to the finish line. I am passed by speed walkers, mentors with unhappy middle school-aged runners and skipping fathers with their 7 year old daughters. I am feeling pathetic. I have even turned the nike+ off.
I'm done. I retrieve my bag (not hard, there are only about 2 dozen left in the entire pen.)
Grab an undeserved bagel and get back on the A train heading down town.
125th St.
Putting my sweatshirt back on, I notice that the zipper on the arm pocket of my running jacket is open. This is where I usually keep my driver's license, ATM card and cash. I pull out $10, my license and.......nothing else. My ATM card, the one I used in the cab is gone. I check my pouch (I'd brought my phone to the race) and find only my phone and my metrocard. All pockets and my bag are checked again. Nothing. Nada. Pretty sure I threw my card and the taxi receipt in the trash can as I threw away a Cliff Block bag right after I got out of the cab. Or I put it in the arm pocket and it fell out when I took my running jacket off and tied it around my waist.
Home at last. Triple check all pockets and pouches. The ATM card is officially gone. I call and report is missing. Sometime today I'll have to figure out what things I have automatically deducted through that account since the number will change. Total cash on hand? $11
And here's the kicker. Seems that if you don't cross the starting mat at a race, your time is calculated from the start time of the race. My finish time on my results reflects the time on the clock when I crossed the finish line. 49:43 Oh well.
Let's hope the day doesn't get any worse!
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