Tuesday, December 16, 2008

the kindness of strangers and a week without running

Okay, she's not really a stranger and I did run once, I just didn't get nike+ credit for it because I wore the wrong shoes.  I already explained the whole shoe thing, but I have gotten another generous offer of equipment and I missed running the NYRR Holiday 4 miler due to a little fever. (Not to mention also missing the injury prevention clinic Saturday morning after the race.  Foiled again.)

So last week I ran once, swam twice and hit the stairmaster once.  Not my ideal training week.  But I've moved on and did a run in the balmy weather yesterday and hit the pool today.

And as for the kindness of strangers, at the AEA Holiday Party Friday night, a biker and very generous staff member offered to loan me a trainer so I can ride my actual bike inside my apartment!  That is huge and I am incredibly grateful.  She's going to bring it over on Sunday and has promised not to judge me based on the state of my apartment. 
I'm missing tomorrow's GTS due to theatre tickets (Dividing the Estate) but am super excited at the possibility of a bike session on Saturday.  Let's hope the weather holds out!

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